Hineni 3
by Terry Kaye
Grade Level: 6 - 7
The third and final book in the Hineni (the New Hebrew through Prayer) series presents the Torah service and concluding prayers. Students will learn the key prayers in the Torah service (Ein Kamocha, Av Harahamim, Ki Mitziyon, L'cha Adonai, Birchot Hatorah, Birchot Hahaftarah, V'zot Hatorah, Eitz Hayyim Hi, Al Sh'loshah D'varim); concluding prayers in the Shabbat morning service (Aleinu, Kaddish, Ein Keloheinu); and prayers for sleeping and waking (Hashkiveinu, Sh'ma, Modeh Ani). It covers 99 key prayer words and over 30 roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and also helps students refine their basic grammar skills and hone their prayer-reading skills.