Judy Caplan Ginsburgh: Shalom Yeladim - Cassette
We've copied the cassette onto a CD so you can listen to it anywhere.
Included are the lyrics to all the songs including:
Bim Bam, Sim Shalom, Zum Gali, Gali, Keshet, Hine Ma Tov, David Melech Yisrael, On Shabbat, Candle Blessings - Chanted, Kiddush - Chanted, HamotZi - Sang, Shehecheyanu, Lecha Dodi, Shavua Tov, Tapuchim Ud'Vash, L'Shanah Tovah, Shanah Tovah, Lo Yisa Goy, Perot, Torah TZevah Lanu Moshe, S'vivon, Chanukah, I Have A Little Dreidyl, Atse Zetim Omdim, Chag Purim, Ani Purim, Mishenichnas Adar, Mah Nishtanah - The Four Questions, Dayenu, L'Shanah Habe-ah, Am Yisrael Chai, Dundai, Shalom Chaverim