Celebrate with Cindy - Vol 1 - Cassette and CD
We've backed up onto a CD so you can enjoy your music anywhere. Songs include:
Tapuchim U'Dvash, Shana Tova, Toke'a Hashofar, Sing Along Song, L'Shana Tova, Tekiya Introduction, Tekiya Song, These Are The Days, Let's Be Friends, Al Takeh, This is What We NEed To Build A Sukkah, Patish Masmer, Hasukkah Ma Yafa, Shlomit Bona Sukkat Shalom. Basukka Shelanu, Sisu V'Simchu, Yisrael V'oraita, Agil V'esmach, L'Shalom LiVracha, Sevivon Sov Sov, Oh Chanuka, Burn Little Candles, Maccabee March, Lichvod Hachanukah, Take A Potato, The Latke Song, I Have A Little Dreidel, The Dreidel Song