Shabbat Shalom - Book, CD and Cassette
We backed up the music on a CD so you can listen to it anywhere.
A treasury of the songs Israelis sing on Shabbat. The book contains Hebrew, Transliteration, English Translation and music so you can sing along and read along as you learn Hebrew.
Included are: HaYom Yom Shishi, Erev Shabbat, Shabbat Ha-Malka, Yedid Nefish, Lekha Dodi, Yismach Moshe, Nigunim, Mi Ohev et Ha-Shabbat, Shir Shabbat, Yom Shishi Ha-Yom, Shabbat Shalom, Shir Shabbat, Haleluya, Nerot Shabbat, Shalom Alechim, Lechu Neranena, Yismechu Bemalchutcha, Lekha Dodi, Uveyom HaShabbat, Atta Ehad, Eshet Chal, Chemdat Yamim, Laner VelaBesamim, Tzur Mishelo Achalnu, Shato Shatiti, Ki Eshmera Shabbat, Deror Yikra, Eliahu HaNavi